Privacy policy

Information on the Public Centre for Social Welfare in Uccle (hereafter, the “data controller”):

Uccle Public Centre for Social Welfare (PCSW)

860 Chée d’Alsemberg
1180 Uccle
Tel.: 0032 2 370 75 11
DPO contact details:

Uccle PCSW Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

  1. Purpose of this privacy policy

The Public Centre for Social Welfare (hereinafter « the PCSW ») in Uccle is a local public service. Its mission is to grant social assistance due by the community to families and individuals. It guarantees everyone the right to life with human dignity.

We collect and process your personal data in accordance with the Act of 30 July 2018 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter the « Privacy Act ») and the European Regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter the « Regulation »).

The PSWC is fully aware of its responsibility to ensure optimal protection of the personal data of all natural persons for whom it holds data and to make every effort to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter « the GDPR », according to its English acronym).

The purpose of this policy is to explain how the PSWC processes (collects, uses and retains, among other things) the personal data of all natural persons whose data it collects in the course of its duties, as well as the measures that are taken to preserve their confidentiality and security.

  1. Who processes your personal data?

1. The data controller

The data controller is the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and the technical and legal means of the processing of personal data. The person responsible for the processing of your personal data is the PSWC.

The PSWC also undertakes to process and store your data in a manner that is proportionate to the determined purposes.

2. The subcontractor

The subcontractor is any natural or legal person who processes personal data at the request and on behalf of the data controller. The PSWC carefully chooses its subcontractors. Each sub-contractor must offer sufficient guarantees regarding the technical and organisational security measures surrounding the processing of the data.

3. Responsibility of the controller

The PSWC undertakes to take all technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the secure processing of your personal data. The PSWC is obliged to document and communicate to the competent supervisory authority, within the time limits set by the Regulation, any security breach that could pose a risk to the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned.

  1. Which personal data is collected, and how?

« Personal data » is any information relating to a natural person who can be identified or is identifiable, directly or indirectly (hereinafter « data »).

The PSWC only collects adequate, relevant data, limited to what is necessary for the determined, explicit and legitimate purposes for which it is processed.

The PCSW collects your data in particular when you apply for social assistance or the right to social integration, you apply for housing, you visit our website, you apply for a job, etc.

For the proper management of your applications and files, our agents may collect the following categories of data:

  • Information related to your identity: surname, first name, national register number, place of birth, gender, civil status, citizenship;
  • Contact information: address, telephone number, e-mail address;
  • Family information: detailed household composition;
  • Financial information: bank account number, monthly and annual income (e.g. professional, personal), social or family benefits, pension, personal income tax statement;
  • Training information: curriculum vitae, diplomas, certificates;
  • Personal information of a more sensitive nature: in certain cases, the extract from the criminal record or medical data (Katz scale, medical report, health insurance and residence status).

This list is exemplary and not exhaustive.

  1. What are the purposes of the collection and processing of your personal data?

The PSWC acts within the framework of its legal missions as defined in the organic law of the public centres of social action of 8 July 1976.

As the manager of rest homes and nursing homes and the Cité de l’Enfance Asselbergs, the PSWC applies the various laws and regulations in force.

The PSWC manages the various services such as the SUD (Uccle Home Services), Asselbergs Crèche, « Titres-services » (Service Vouchers), La Baby Halte (The Baby Stop), CDAG (free food distribution centre), Childcare Service, ILA (local welcoming initiatives), medical centre, and others in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

The data is processed in accordance with the policy described in the above-mentioned GDPR regulation.

This list is exemplary and not exhaustive.

  • Who receives your personal data?

Your personal data is primarily intended to be used exclusively for internal purposes of the PSWC.

The PSWC shares some of your personal data with various public authorities or private institutions in the context of the performance of its tasks or when it is required to do so by law. In exceptional cases, your consent may be required for the use of the collected data.

The PSWC transfers some of your data to its subcontractors within the framework strictly necessary for the operation of existing applications or management systems to which the PSWC has contractually subscribed. The subcontractors can only act upon the instructions given to them by the PSWC.

Under no circumstances does the PSWC sell the personal data to third parties or communicate them for commercial purposes.

  • Legal nature of the processing

Within the framework of its duties, the PSWC uses your data only on at least one of the following bases, in accordance with article 6 of the GDPR:

  • The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the PSWC is subjected to;
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the PSWC;
  • You have consented to the processing of your data for one or more specific purposes;
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract, or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at your request;

Exceptionally, in certain cases, the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the PSWC.

  • Conservation of your data

The PSCW keeps your personal data:

  • In accordance with the applicable legal provisions;
  • Where there is no legal provision providing for a period of data retention, for as long as is necessary for the execution of the processing concerned (such periods being extended by the statutory limitation period).
  • What are your rights?

In its articles 12 to 22, the GDPR guarantees different rights to concerned persons such as yourself.

Nevertheless, some of these rights are subject to legal conditions. They may be exercised under the conditions provided for by the regulations and subject to not infringing on the rights and freedoms of third parties (professional secrecy, privacy, etc.).

As a data subject, you have the following rights in particular with regard to personal data concerning you that is processed by the PSWC:

Right to information: In accordance with the principle of transparency of the GDPR, you have the right to clear information about the data concerning you that is stored and processed by the PSWC;

Right of access to personal data: You have the right to consult your personal data and to obtain a free copy;

Right of rectification: You have the right to request the rectification of any inaccurate data and to obtain the completion of incomplete data;

Right of deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of your data under certain conditions, in particular when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed. However, it should be stressed that this right to erasure or extinction will be waived in the event that an overriding interest is at stake and taking into account the legal conservation obligations of the PSWC;

Right to limit processing: You have the right to request that the use of some of your data be suspended, if necessary temporarily, in particular when they are contested (with the exception of the processing for data retention);

Right to withdraw consent: Provided that the processing is carried out on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without prejudice to the legal nature of the processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal of consent;

Right to data portability: Only if the processing is carried out on the basis of your prior consent or for the performance of a contract, you have the right to request to recover the data you have provided for personal use or to transmit them to a third party of your choice, in a machine-readable format, where technically possible.

By providing your personal data to the PSWC yourself, you exercise control over it. If certain information proves to be false or incomplete, we reserve the right to refuse, temporarily or permanently, certain planned operations.

  1. How can you exercise those rights?

You may exercise your rights by returning the application form dated and signed

  • By E-mail to our DPO at the following address:
  • Or by post to the PSWC in Uccle – for the attention of the DPO, 860 Chée d’Alsemberg – 1180 Uccle.

You can download the application form in PDF format by clicking HERE


The request must be sent with a copy of the front side of your ID.

If you believe that the PSWC has not protected and/or processed your personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

Data Protection Authority (DPA)

Rue de la Presse, 35 – 1000 BRUSSELS

Tel.: 02/274.48.00



  • Update

The Uccle PSWC may update its privacy policy at any time. Changes will always be clearly communicated to Users in this Privacy Policy.

History of changes

Version: 1

Description of change: Initial number

Approval: Management

Date of issue: 21/04/2020, 08/11/2021

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